

Bamike, as the pioneering Nigerian American in her family, defied expectations by transitioning from a STEM background to becoming a Union makeup artist, proudly affiliated with IATSE 798. Her unique ability to bridge the realms of makeup and science has proven invaluable, fostering innovative thinking and solidifying her role as a sought-after product consultant for major brands like Grande, Make Up For Ever, and Menaji.

With over a decade in cosmetic retail, spanning both consumer and professional sectors, Bamike boasts an extensive understanding of numerous brands and ingredients. This wealth of experience positions her as a formidable asset in the world of product consulting, where her expertise shines on sets working with talent boasting diverse global skin tones and concerns.

Currently based in New York, Bamike's willingness to travel reflects her dedication to delivering exceptional service. Beyond her professional pursuits, she finds joy in traversing the globe, immersing herself in literature, and, more recently, expressing her creativity through watercolor painting.

Notably, Bamike remains unwavering in her commitment to prioritizing sanitation, ensuring both her and her clients' safety in every application. Her journey is a testament to the fusion of passion, skill, and an unwavering dedication to excellence.